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Rhizobium Inoculant

Rhizobium Inoculant

An inoculant with biostimulant activity for a variety of legume crops

Because we understand that every farmer's field is different, and every season brings on its own challenges, we've partnered with Legume Technology (UK based) to gain access to a wide range of high-quality Rhizobium inoculants for seed treatment to ensure that more farmers gain access to high-quality inoculants already provided to the seed before planting.

Through consistent research and development, Legume Technology manufactured inoculants that not only fix nitrogen levels but also increase root mass, solubilize phosphate to speed up germination and assist seedlings to withstand unfavorable soil conditions. Furthermore, the range is constantly evolving and improving to meet the ever-changing customer needs while providing reliable biostimulant activity.

Legume Technology was founded on the principles of producing organic, contaminant-free, high-quality inoculants that are proven to increase yield. In combination with CENTOR EUROPE's binders and coatings, seed coating protocols were developed that allow for the safe application of these inoculants whereby preserving the counts, recovery, and longevity of the Rhizobium on the coated seed.  

In this range, there is not only one strain but a variety of strains available and you will need to contact your representative to assist you in selecting the most suited strain for your region and crop. We have the possibility to provide them in Liquid formulation or Peat based bags. Please contact your sales representative for more information or fill in the contact form.   

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